When faced with a proceeding regarding parenting, the Court may order a family report to ascertain their decisions regarding the matter through the provision of a factual statement. This may be done at the court’s discretion or on the application of a party to the proceedings.
What is a section 11F Report?
A family report is a document prepared by a court-appointed family consultant. Family consultants are licensed social workers or psychologists who are highly experienced in dealing with matters pertaining to children in the context of divorce and separation. There are two types of family reports, which include summary and specific reports. A Section 11f report is a summary report that provides the Court with an overview of the parties’ disputes and issues. It includes information about the disputed issues, previous and current parenting arrangements, each party’s parenting capacity, the children’s connections with relevant individuals, the children’s wants and perspectives, and any hazards to the children.
How is a section 11F Report drafted?
When preparing the report, the family consultant will consider the children as the focal point of the report. They may also make recommendations as to the arrangements for the children, keeping in mind the circumstances of the family and the health, wellbeing and developmental needs of the children. They may interview the parties over a number of days and even visit their homes to consider the living arrangements of the children. They may also interview close family members to gain an even further understanding of the family dynamic. During the interviews, they may ask questions about the history of the relationship between the parties, their relationship with the children and any current or potential risks to the children.
The report, however, is not confidential. It is presented to the Court first before either of the parties can see it and only the parties themselves and their lawyer(s) are privy to it thereafter. It must not be shown to other people, including family members, without the Court’s approval. Even those who have been questioned for the report but are not a party to the court proceeding are subject to this rule.
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