Moratorium on eviction
The Victorian Government has introduced new measures which include extending a moratorium on rental increases and evictions for both residential and commercial tenants until December 31.
Previously, the moratorium, introduced in late March 2020 to protect tenants suffering financial distress because of the pandemic, was due to expire on September 29.
Support for Landlords is also extended
Land tax relief for eligible residential and commercial landlords is also being extended, and the potential discount has doubled from 25 per cent to 50 per cent.
Payments for eligible residential landlords and tenants under the existing Rental Relief Grant program will be increased from $2,000 to $3,000. Previous recipients can apply for an extra $1,000.
Rent relief for Commercial tenancies
Commercial landlords will now also be required to provide rent relief in proportion with the fall in turnover experienced by eligible tenants.
Some $600,000 will be spent by the Victorian government to help advocacy groups such as Tenants Victoria and the Victorian Council of Social Service to assist tenants understand their rights and help in the mediation process.
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